
Sunday, January 25, 2009


Newsweek is running a story on how a new pentagon report may slow the closing of Gitmo

The gist of the story is that previously released 'detainees' (OK lets cut the spin) prisoners returned to terrorism. Although, reports released by the pentagon often were no more than propaganda under the bushies, I believe this report. The problem is we are not talking about recidivism here, I assert that a moderately motivated terrorist would become highly motivated after surviving years of torture and sub-human treatment. These are hard-core terrorists of our own making. Gitmo exists to subvert US law and prevent the application of constitutional rights to prisoners of the US. The bushies also used language (lets call them detainees, not prisoners) to subvert the intentions of the Geneva convention.

The prison at Gitmo is a testament to the war crimes committed by the Bush administration. If we have created 'monsters' read hard core terrorists by the crimes we committed against them, it doesn't justify further detention and torture. Why didn't George or Dick personally tour Gitmo to see the conditions they imposed on fellow human beings? Perhaps it was to avoid personal knowledge of the war crimes perpetrated in the name of freedom?, justice?, the American way?, Liberty?...

Obama needs to ignore the current pentagon report. The only just action is to prosecute prisoners based on legally obtained evidence on American soil in our civilian court system and to order the release of prisoners that cannot be prosecuted.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Dallas Aquarium

The aquarium in downtown Dallas is one of my favorite spots in the city!  They have a small footprint but have a lot packed in multi-level displays.   The only display I really have issues with is the Jaguar display - it seems that the cat is in far too small of a display - even though they rotate the Jaguar with an ocelot, the Jag can be seen pacing - a sure sign of boredom and an undersized enclosure.

The juvinile delinquints aka my cats

Cleo is the 'tuxedo' cat she was rescued as a new born kitten by my apartments maintainence man.  She is a 3 year old, spayed, sweetie-pie. (except when she shreds cardboard:))

I rescued Agamemnon as an intact male living in the parking lot of my previous apartment complex.  He is ~ 7years old, neutered, and a great buddy.

My new car!

 It's a VW Jetta sportwagen TDI,  a bit of a change from my 12 year old Ford Explorer.  I have been averaging ~ 35mpg commuting between Dallas and Fort Worth.  

Its fun to drive, although there is a bit of turbo-lag from a standing start.  I was going to get a stick but I got tired of waiting so I opted for the automatic.  It has a 6 speed Tiptronic(r) shifter - which is cool - but still not quite the same as a stick.  As far as diesel milage 35mpg is fair considering I drive fairly aggressively.  


What?  The ERK2 (Extra-cellular regulated kinase 2) E320K (Glutamic Acid to Lysine at position 320) mutation is one of the things I characterized during my graduate work at UTSW in Dallas.  

It was discoved in a cancer cell line by a group in Japan.  I made the equivalent mutation in rat protein and charcterized its kinase (adding of a phosphate group to other proteins) activity in vitro.

I picked it as the url for my blog because
1) Its different
2.) It has a personal significance (more than a year of my life spent working on it)
3.) It is a published finding I am proud of

Getting the move on

OK, here goes my attempt at blogging.  I am getting ready for my move to Kansas City from Dallas.  The movers show up on Monday and I plan on hitting the road on Tuesday.  Right now my biggest concern is the long road trip with my two cats (Agamemnon and Cleo).  

All in all I am excited about the upcomming changes in my life. A new job (Research Scientist), a new car (VW Jetta Sportwagen TDI), a new apartment, and thankfully a new president.